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2015 |
![]() | Rodosthenous, Christos; Christoforou, Petros; Epiphaniou, Michalis; Matheou, Georgia; Mavrotheris, Stathis; Christodoulides, Christopher Plagiarism Detection and Prevention – Experiences From the Open University of Cyprus Proceedings Article In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN15), pp. 1348–1355, IATED, 2015, ISSN: 2340-1117. Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: distance education, e-learning, evaluation, plagiarism detection, student assessment | Links: @inproceedings{RODOSTHENOUS2015PLA, The introduction of eLearning led to a number of advancements in student assessment and evaluation. Conventional methods of assignment submission, evaluation and feedback were substituted by online workflows and were enhanced with plagiarism detection tools to assist tutors in evaluating large numbers of assignments. The increasing number of eLearning students along with the huge amount of freely accessible information on the Internet, require tools and services for tutors, to assist the grading of student assignments and check the originality of their work. In this paper, we present the methodology used for introducing and delivering a plagiarism detection service in the Open University of Cyprus eLearning platform and integrating it with the assignment submission process. Additionally, we describe the challenges faced during and after the implementation and the actions taken to train tutors in using the service in a proper way. We conclude by presenting an evaluation of the service, both for its educational and technical soundness, along with statistics of its usage during the last four years. |